Commands you enter using your local Docker client will be executed by the remote Docker engine. REM /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env remote-docker-host') DO simply copy and execute the last line and your Docker client will be configured to use the remote Docker engine: /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env remote-docker-host') DO it. REM Run this command to configure your shell: SET DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME=remote-docker-host SET DOCKER_CERT_PATH=C:\Users\kevin\.docker\machine\machines\remote-docker-host SSH to the remote machine and edit the sudoers file: sudo nano /etc/sudoersĪnd add the following to the end of the file where įor example on my machine: docker-machine env remote-docker-host

You may want to only enable this while we configure Docker Machine. In summary, if you don't already have an SSH key, you'll need to generate one: ssh-keygen -t rsaĪnd then copy it to the remote machine: ssh-copy-id Docker Machine will be sending commands over SSH on our behalf, so you'll need to be able to enter sudo mode without entering your password. I've written up detailed instructions here. We'll need to be able to SSH into the remote host. But what if you need to connect to an existing Docker host? That's what I'll cover in this post. If youre only interested in connecting to a remote daemon and already have a VM or host running Docker you can jump straight to steps 4.
#Docker for mac remote api call via socket free
I recently wrote about using Docker Machine to create a new Docker host on Azure. Docker Remote Api Call Via Socket Free And Its Normally you would reach for using the Docker Toolbox and the Docker QuickStart Terminal which runs Git Bash, but you can bypass all of that and use WSL instead. It's often useful to connect to a remote Docker host to run commands such as checking the status of containers and viewing logs etc. Menu Connect your Docker client to a remote Docker host 28 November 2016 on docker 0 Comments